Scripture Reading - Job 20:1-2

1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said,
2 Therefore do my thoughts cause me to answer, and for this I make haste. KJV

Throughout the ages man has communicated “thoughts” through words of a mutual understanding. This exchange of ideas was created by God to communicate with man and through men. Every man has the option to share their “thoughts” or to withhold information by hiding their “thoughts”. This also is ordained by our Heavenly Father because each “thought” should be customized to the receiver. What we (ihlcc) mean by that is for optimal benefit the listener should gain something good from the words you speak to them and the speaker should feel some sense of satisfaction for helping someone to learn. Everything in the Kingdom of God works by “sowing and reaping”, or we could say “giving and receiving”, or we could also say “mutual exchange”. For example if you desired to know something specific it requires an open channel to your heart for complete understanding. Therefore you must be ready and willing to hear something different to enlighten your comprehension. This means the question arises in your mind and then your spirit will make diligent search to satisfy that specific question with a reasonable answer. The question opens the soil of your heart to receive a seed of knowledge to grow inside your mind, as soon as this seed grows unto fruition the harvest is a better understanding of the subject (topic) you were seeking (studying). This process should be smooth and natural when operating in God’s Love. The smooth non-forceful (gentle) “exchange of thoughts” from a willing listener and speaker is God’s Will in operation. Generally, most of the information you learn in life will come through this divine process of openness and necessity. The man whom needs help and the helper of that man combine to bring to pass the perfect will of God in the earth. The perfect will of God in the earth is for all men to come unto the full knowledge of truth for eternal salvation through the accurate knowledge of God. The Lord delights in truth because He is righteous. Therefore He also delights in people understanding the things that are right and edifying in the earth. Remember God created everything in this earth so it is His Will for everyone in this earth to understand His creation. The Lord Jesus and our Heavenly Father are not content to have you only see the beauty of His creation but His Will for you is to understand how to use this creation to help others grow (mature) as His creation. So when pondering where or not to “exchange” (share) your “thoughts” with someone else first consider if they are seeking your ideas. In the earth we have too much idle conversation because men simply talk too much about their own ideas without sincere consideration for the soil (heart) of the listener. Just because we have been given a mind and mouth to “exchange” (express) our “thoughts” doesn’t mean we should always use “thought exchange” over “thought reservation”. Amen.